

EDucated and Empowered seeks to help individuals with eating disorders find accurate information about all aspects of their diagnoses. Visitors to this site can find easy to understand summaries of current research findings as well as articles about the medical complications of eating disorders, so that they may use this information to pursue the best care possible.

This site also includes articles addressing the unfortunately widespread misconceptions about eating disorders and their treatment. Click the “Is that science?” tab to learn about ineffective and unsupported treatments, debunked theories, and false assumptions that may hold people with eating disorders back from receiving the real help they deserve.

Finally, this site seeks to build community and let all those with eating disorders know that they are not alone and that their voice is valued. Click on the “New Perspectives” tab to hear stories from people often overlooked in the current treatment system. There is also a forum specifically for reviews of treatment providers, and another one for general discussion and support.

Need resources? Go to the list of helplines or to the list of free virtual and in-person support groups across the US.

Want to share you voice? It would be an honor to provider a platform for you. Please visit the Submit A Piece tab.

Real information leads to real hope.

Fight on.
